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Contemporary Reflections of the Qur’an

(Contemporary Tafsir)

4 Reasons Why You Should Attend This Series

  1. Concise and to-the-point approach = able to cover more in a short period

  2. Comparative approach between various mazhabs, traditional and contemporary viewpoints

  3. Notes in the form of slides (20 slides/session) for every session, with previous notes available for new participants

  4. Online broadcast available for upcoming sessions

Read more on our Contemporary Tafsir as published in Berita Harian here.


Every other Friday

7.45pm - 9.45pm

For more information, please call 8127 3729.

Register For Contemporary Tafsir

Part 1: Personal Informations

As in NRIC

E.g. if your is T1234567X, please type in 4567X.

Date of Birth

Block/House No, Road Name, Building name (if any) Unit No & Postal Code

File must be 2,000kb or less

Marital Status
Highest Academic Education
Highest Religious Education

Part 2: In case of emergency, please contact:

Part 3: Acknowledgements

How did you know about this series?

You may check more than one option.

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Perdaus may use my email address and contact number to market Perdaus and its affiliates' programmes. Perdaus will also NOT be sharing my details with any third parties. I understand that all details will be used under the highest ethical standards.
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A 30-juzu' tafsir series developed and delivered by Ustaz Dr Md Haniff Hassan.

This programme leverages on traditional and contemporary intellectual heritage in providing insights and reflections on the Qur'an.

It seeks to relate the Qur'an to modern and contemporary issues that we face every day, whithout compromising the overall framework of the Qur'an and its core beliefs and practices.

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