Ramadhan Campaigns

Food Aid Contribution
Food Aid Contribution has been an annual project for more than a decade. We fundraise to provide opportunity for the community to contribute in this holy month.
Do you know that our students from secondary and youth levels pack and distribute the goodies? It’s all part of our experiential learning process.
Help raise $60,000 for our beneficiaries.
Contribute today.
Zakat Harta
Your zakat empowers the community.
Your donations will help contribute to Perdaus’s bursary.
"We ran a needs analysis with our asatizah to understand what kind of training is required, with the ultimate goal that our students are taught by trained teachers.
"For example, with the tajwid workshop conducted by Nadi Furqan, it helps asatizah improve the methodology of teaching this knowledge, and also provides the asatizah with a formal path to continue in this field more deeply."
- Ustazah Afifah, Curriculum Department

Waqaf Quran
Waqaf a physical Qur’an to beneficiaries in Fitrah, an organisation that supports the reintegration of former inmates back into our local Muslim community.
Be part of their journey in improving their Qur’anic recitation skills, and overall in improving their lives. Your support is meaningful and illustrates our community’s welcome.
The mushaf distributed for this project is equipped with a recitation guide. A percentage of the proceeds will also be channelled towards Perdaus’ fundraising.